What is PGX®
PGX® is short for PolyGlycopleX® – a water-soluble plant fibre that has been proven in clinical trials to increase the feeling of fullness. PGX® helps support blood sugar and cholesterol levels, in healthy individuals.
Over the past two decades, scientists have discovered a great deal about the action of insulin, and about how appetite and food cravings affect our lives. People who struggle with their weight are often affected by what we call “the blood sugar roller coaster”, where blood sugar levels can rise and fall dramatically before and after meals, causing stress on many body systems and functions. Left uncontrolled, the blood sugar rollercoaster can lead to many health problems – including weight gain.
A unique combination of natural fibres can have a positive impact on something that affects almost everyone to some degree: healthy blood sugar levels. Poor eating habits and genetic disposition can cause blood sugar levels to go too high or too low eventually causing our bodies to no longer properly regulate the amount of sugar in the blood. This can lead to a variety of health problems. In clinical studies PGX® was found to be very effective in reducing between-meal food cravings, and balancing healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
• Provides a lasting feeling of fullness.
• Reduces between-meal food cravings.
• Maintains healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
PGX® works by mixing with food and water in the digestive system and increasing food volume to slow digestion and reduce between-meal cravings. Additional health benefits may be realised as PGX® users typically reduce the amount of food they consume.
• High in fibre.
• 100% natural, from plant sources.
• A great addition to any diet.
• Safe.
• Convenient.